Jaká úroveň je ta Vaše?

Vyplňte zdarma krátký online test, díky kterému zjistíme Vaši jazykovou úroveň. Výsledky se dozvíte ihned po jeho dokončení.

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Test je krátký, zabere Vám max. 5 - 10 minut.

1. His friends ..... in the restaurant.

2. Our son ..... need a new jacket.

3. ..... she work?

4. Why is Tom at home? Because he ..... English.

5. What ..... you like for breakfast?

6. When do you usually get up? .....

7. Susan ..... drive a car.

1. Where ..... live?

2. Manchester United is a great football team, but they ..... win the Champions League.

3. ..... he make you a cup of coffee for breakfast?

4. Where ..... they last night?

5. They ..... the play last week.

6. Her son ..... to study abroad.

7. Did they arrive ..... Friday or Satrurday?

1. What ..... do next weekend?

2. They ..... the project on Friday.

3. He ..... his keys yesterday.

4. When ..... to visit your teacher?

5. When did you last see him? .....

6. You ..... read this book. It's really good.

7. Here is your pizza, madam. .....

1. What ..... when the earthquake started?

2. We ..... France several times.

3. Sorry, I'm late. ..... long?

4. She ..... help you if you ask her.

5. His relatives advised ..... to the university.

6. Don't ..... the letter, it's really important.

7. What would you do if you ..... the job?

1. She ..... him before she moved here.

2. The archaeologist discovered that the area ..... by Celtic people.

3. If she had known what to expect, she wouldn't ..... this test.

4. Susan lives with her father, but she ..... with her mother when she was young.

5. I can't imagine ..... the work in front of our CEO.

6. Friends and relations gathered ..... as the sick man told his story.

7. I don't ..... with your decision but I do think that you might have told me last week.

1. Let's go for a long walk, ..... we?

2. I disapprove ..... people smoking in public places.

3. She found it hard to ..... up to the fact that she'd never be famous.

4. I'm tired of my neighbours ..... records at full volume at night.

5. ..... many times I tell him, he always forgets to do it!

6. I often miss the bus because my watch is ..... .

7. There was no ..... in waiting longer than five minutes so we left.

1. You ..... him, he was standing right in front of you!

2. He's unemployed at the moment. He was ..... . There were too many workers and the company was losing money.

3. It's ..... our government did something about unemployment.

4. You ..... in this mess if you had listened to my advice.

5. My ..... originally came from Ireland.

6. Is there any ..... asking him? He never has anything useful to say.

7. ..... accommodation is concerned, there are only two options...

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