Jaká úroveň je ta Vaše?

Vyplňte zdarma krátký online test, díky kterému zjistíme Vaši jazykovou úroveň. Výsledky se dozvíte ihned po jeho dokončení.

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Test je krátký, zabere Vám max. 5 - 10 minut.

1. His parents ..... at home. They`re at work.

2. My mother ..... know my girlfriend.

3. ..... you watch TV every day?

4. Where are our grandparents? They ..... right now.

5. What fruit ..... you like?

6. How do you like your tea? .....

7. Susan ..... drive a car.

1. ..... know where the Kingston street is?

2. Manchester United is a great football team, but they ..... win the Champions League.

3. ..... you meet him yesterday?

4. The students ..... very tired after their exams.

5. I ..... late last night.

6. Her son ..... to study abroad.

7. He sent us the mail ..... last week.

1. Where ..... spend your next holiday?

2. She ..... at the station on Monday afternoon.

3. Jane and Paul ..... two months ago.

4. Does he ..... use PC a lot?

5. When did you last see him? .....

6. Lucy's in the hospital. I think we ..... to visit her there.

7. Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Smith, you have a ..... room number 215. Here are your keys.

1. When the phone rang, they ..... in the living room.

2. We ..... France several times.

3. Sorry, I'm late. ..... long?

4. If I have enough money, I ..... buy you the book you like.

5. We warned ..... do it again.

6. He doesn't look very well, I think he should ..... smoking.

7. He would go home if he ..... sick.

1. Before he was eighteen, his parents ..... let him borrow the car.

2. She wanted to know if you really ..... she could make such a mistake.

3. If she had known what to expect, she wouldn't ..... this test.

4. Summers ..... as hot as they are now.

5. It was very nice ..... to you again, Jessie.

6. We still live in our house, the move has fallen .....

7. She ..... him of wanting to marry her for her money.

1. Let's go for a long walk, ..... we?

2. I disapprove ..... people smoking in public places.

3. She found it hard to ..... up to the fact that she'd never be famous.

4. I'm tired of my neighbours ..... records at full volume at night.

5. ..... many times I tell him, he always forgets to do it!

6. I often miss the bus because my watch is ..... .

7. There was no ..... in waiting longer than five minutes so we left.

1. You ..... him, he was standing right in front of you!

2. He's unemployed at the moment. He was ..... . There were too many workers and the company was losing money.

3. It's ..... our government did something about unemployment.

4. You ..... in this mess if you had listened to my advice.

5. My ..... originally came from Ireland.

6. Is there any ..... asking him? He never has anything useful to say.

7. ..... accommodation is concerned, there are only two options...

Výborně! Test je úspěšně za námi.
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